Artist Statement
Whether deriving inspiration from past masters, the view out the window, or an interior with still life, my works weave together multiple threads, finding connection in the push and pull of their relationships. My drawings take cues from visually perceived reality, while my collages are unabashedly about color. In the paintings, the “drawing” and divisions of space relate to the perception of the outside world and provide a framework for structure, while the
color is pure invention, at times a whisper, at others deliberately discordant, forging its own harmonies. My color is allowed to fly free, giving voice to my intuited inner reality, while my drawing investigates, in more formal ways, the world as perceived through my eyes. On the one side, my interior language of color and on the other, the perception and notation of the exterior world through the language of drawing: this is the conversation, the dialogue that gives form to the essence of my art.
Whether deriving inspiration from past masters, the view out the window, or an interior with still life, my works weave together multiple threads, finding connection in the push and pull of their relationships. My drawings take cues from visually perceived reality, while my collages are unabashedly about color. In the paintings, the “drawing” and divisions of space relate to the perception of the outside world and provide a framework for structure, while the
color is pure invention, at times a whisper, at others deliberately discordant, forging its own harmonies. My color is allowed to fly free, giving voice to my intuited inner reality, while my drawing investigates, in more formal ways, the world as perceived through my eyes. On the one side, my interior language of color and on the other, the perception and notation of the exterior world through the language of drawing: this is the conversation, the dialogue that gives form to the essence of my art.